Configurable products generally increase customer acceptance for higher prices since customers develop the feeling of having purchased a perfectly individualized product. On the product side, however, configurability leads to increased complexity in production, which prevents a comparative analysis of costs, sales and margins and therefore also prevents a way of optimisation.

The approach
Based on the configurations of already produced and sold products, a neural network is used to create a digital map of the materials used, which groups similar materials based on their use. On this basis, similar configurations can now be automatically determined and compared in terms of costs, revenues, and margins.

By using the biX AI Tools, the solution approach can be fully integrated into your SAP system.
Your benefit
By identifying similar configurations, they can be quickly compared in terms of their manufacturing costs so that cost-optimal suggestions can be submitted to customers. At the same time, configurations with particularly high margins can be promoted for sales purposes, up to a recommendation system during configuration