Workshop: Umzug nach SAP S/4 HANA prozessoptimiert durchführen

Workshop: Process-optimised migration to SAP S/4 HANA

In our free half-day workshop, we will show you how to use Celonis to effectively and economically manage the move to SAP S/4 HANA. Identify the improvement potential of your processes in real time and eliminate stagnating processes or bottlenecks. Other agenda items...
Neuer Rund-um-die-Uhr-Service

New around-the-clock service

The Corona crisis has mercilessly shown us how quickly and destructively our supposedly secure processes and daily routines can falter. Suddenly, in-house staff as well as external consultants drop out overnight - possibly with fatal consequences for the continuation of business operations and the availability of systems...
Erfolgreicher Auftritt auf dem EUFH-Karrieretag in Neuss

Showcased successfully at the EUFH Career Day in Neuss

At the Career Day held by the European University of Applied Sciences (EUFH) in Neuss, our team with Nivetha, Jürgen and Nic held many discussions with promising candidates interested in studying business informatics or general management as dual students. The cooperation with EUFH is a central pillar of our efforts to support young talents...