Webinar am 09.07.2020: Integration von SAP und Tableau
Integration von SAP und Tableau Live Webinar am 09.07.2020 von 10.00 Uhr bis 11.00 Uhr Biopharmazeutika werden in komplexen und teuren Verfahren aus lebenden Zellen hergestellt. Mit den innovativen Produkten und Dienstleistungen der Sartorius AG wird es Forschern und...
Let’s install an Open Source infrastructure for the SAP Datahub on-premise – Part 1 of 2
In this article we want to explain how to install an SAP Datahub into an Open Source infrastructure and what’s important to consider. This is the first part, which deals with the underlying container- and storage-system. You can skip this part if you already know all...
SAP Data Intelligence Platform 3.0 – Let’s install on Open Source
With the Data Intelligence Platform (DI) SAP enhances the functionality of the Datahub by adding special tools for machine learning and AI. Although the Datahub has been available for some time now as both a cloud and as an on-premise system, the successor to the...